Rules and Procedures
Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de geldende regels en procedures van Vliegveld Midden-Zeeland.
Vliegveld Midden-Zeeland
Vliegveld Midden-Zeeland
EHMZ AD 2.21 Noise Abatement Procedures
West of the aerodrome at APRX 0.5 NM a large multi functional recreational area (a.o. campsite) is located.
To avoid this area, noise abatement procedures have been introduced for:
- departures/circuits from grass RWY 27 and
- approaches/circuits to grass RWY 09.
If for safety reasons the preferred procedures (noise abatement) cannot be executed, the alternate procedures shall be used.
For details see EHMZ AD 2.22 Flight Procedures.
EHMZ AD 2.22 Flight Procedures
joining and leaving the circuit shall take place as depicted on the visual approach chart AD 2.EHMZ-VAC.1.
1.1 General
- The circuit area may not be overflown below an altitude of 1006 FT AMSL (1000 FT AAL).
- The circuit altitude is 706 FT AMSL (700 FT AAL).
- The visual traffic circuit must be carried out within the lateral limits of the circuit area appropriate to the runway in use.
- Caution: on final motorised aircraft shall give way to gliders in the glider circuit south of the aerodrome.
- Marked areas shall be avoided, if safety permits.
- Built-up areas shall be avoided as much as possible.
- PPR for aircraft not equipped with radio.
1.2 Visual departure procedures
1.2.1 RWY 09
Leave the circuit in accordance with the rules of the standard circuit (see ENR 1.2 paragraph 8).
1.2.2 RWY 27
- On upwind, approximately 800 M after passing the end of the runway, turn right to track 297° MAG to avoid the campsite.
- Do not turn below 206 FT AMSL (200 FT AAL).
- Leave the circuit area on track 297° MAG while climbing out to 1006 FT AMSL (1000 FT AAL).
If for safety reasons the preferred (noise abatement) departure procedure cannot be executed, climb out straight ahead.
1.3 Visual approach procedures
1.3.1 RWY 09
- Join the circuit in accordance with the rules of the standard circuit.
- The final leg shall be carried out under avoidance of the campsite west of the aerodrome, if safety permits.
- The final leg may be offset by 30° (track 117° MAG).
- Establish final track 087° MAG at 306 FT AMSL (300 FT AAL).
- Overtaking (cutting off) of traffic using the alternate procedure is prohibited.
If for safety reasons the preferred (noise abatement) approach procedure cannot be executed, follow the standard circuit.
1.3.2 RWY 27
The standard circuit is applicable (see ENR 1.2 paragraph 8).
1.4 Helicopter procedures
joining and leaving the circuit shall take place as depicted on the visual approach chart AD 2.EHMZ-VAC.2.
1.4.1 General
In addition to paragraph 1.1 General the following applies:
- This helicopter procedure is only allowed for SAR, coastguard, police, military, offshore and HEMS flights.
- Only allowed MON-FRI and when there is no glider activity.
- Radio contact is mandatory.
- Contact Midden-Zeeland Radio 5 minutes before arriving in the South sector.
- Only 1 helicopter in the route is allowed.
1.4.2 Visual departure procedures
- RWY09: leave the glider circuit at the end of downwind via the south.
- RWY 27: leave the glider circuit at the end of crosswind via the south.
1.4.3 Visual approach procedures
- RWY 09: join the glider circuit via the south at the beginning of base leg.
- RWY 27: join the glider circuit via the south at the beginning of downwind leg.
EMHZ AD 2.23 Additional Information
- Glider flying may take place daily on the indicated glider strip; in weekends increased glider activities occur.
- The glider launching and circuit areas shall be avoided by other aircraft.
- During the summer months outside AD OPR HR gliders will be launched by winch. Do not overfly the aerodrome below 2006 FT AMSL (2000 FT AAL).
- Pilots who turn to an offset final leg to grass RWY 09 shall keep a sharp look-out for traffic from the west on either the offset approach or the standard approach.
- Grass cutting may take place daily.
- Parachute jumping may take place as stated in ENR 5.5 and/or as promulgated by NOTAM.
- Helicopters shall park at south side of the fuel station for refuelling.
- During the summer months outside AD OPR HR possible RPAS operations at the aerodrome. Do not overfly the aerodrome below 2006 FT AMSL (2000 FT AAL).
- Coastguard flights may take place daily. Be aware of medium wake turbulence.