Dear Flying Friends,
The shared information by AOPA forces us to react anyway. Despite the fact that we have asked the board to fully share the information, it now appears that the headlines of the messages are more important than the content.
The air well above Zeeland is certainly not locked. The areas mentioned in the decision are not clearly marked on the map. It is not allowed to fly under 1000 feet above the water. On land the normal VFR rules apply. Lake Veere is exempted from this 1000 feet rule between Veere and Wolphaartsdijk. This means that there are no changes for the accessibility of our airport. The entire area exempted on the AIP approach card.
The decision was not implemented by the province of Zeeland but by The Hague.
Of course we are happy with the objections that have been submitted and of course we have done so. That there are areas where nature should be left alone is obvious but the restrictions that have now been introduced are really over the top. We hope that it will be understood that man must also continue to keep his freedom and protection.
EHMZ will do everything possible to keep beautiful Zeeland accessible and would love to see you with or without an airplane on our green field.
Team Central Zeeland